Continuing our series on the #corevalues of Wise-Prantner Group. This week we want to talk about #generosity.
One of the things we want our agents to be known for is being generous with our time, money, and talent. We encourage each agent to find a cause they can back and give their time and money to that cause. Several of the organizations our group supports are tagged below. Many of our agents can also be found giving their time and talent at their local churches.
We don't want our agents to only be working, but to also make sure they are giving back and paying it forward. We want them to think of others first both at work and outside of work.
Putting #Generosity together with our other core values of #Authentic, #Honesty, #Excellence, #Ownership, #Humility make for a very well-rounded partner for you.
Central Florida Hero Car A Hero For Kids Harmony High School Athletic Booster Club Harmony High School Band Boosters, Inc. St. Cloud High Athletics StJude Childrens St Cloud Youth Football Iron Pigs Pediatric Cancer Ride Osceola Virtual School