As I have mentioned in the past couple of blogs, when selling your home it is helpful to make it look like a model home. But what about if you aren't going to sell, can you still make it look like a model home? Why not!?! Here are some pictures taken of model homes.
Let's talk about what they do to make them look so appealing.
1) Minimal things in the house. It is uncluttered. I know this isn't always easy to do and live with, but model homes always look nice because there is so little in them. What can you do to eliminate clutter?
2) Everything has a home. Maybe not so much in a model home because no one lives there, but in a lived in home, one thing that has to happen to make it look clean and as close to a model home as possible, is to have a home for everything. Everything goes in a closet, bin, drawer, etc. Things that are used are organized and hidden leaving countertops, tables, desktops, etc empty.
3) Use Color. Model homes are not afraid to use color, but it is done tastefully with accent walls or accessories.
4) Put the unexpected on the wall. Many model homes will use unexpected things as artwork. They create focal points and interest.
5) Using molding on the wall in unique ways. Molding can also be used to create interest and help full up large walls where art vignettes aren't possible.
6) Decide on a type of design and run with it. There are many kinds of design. Some of the more popular are farmhouse, traditional, transitional (like traditional but with some modern elements), modern. Look up different styles to figure out what you like.
7) Choose color themes. By picking one base color to use throughout the house and then one or two accent colors, it will bring different spaces together and make a house look more put together and well designed.
8) Upgrade your lighting. Don't just use builder grade lighting. Replace it with something that matches your design style and accent color.
9) Use curtains to frame a window. This will add interest and color to a room.
10) Don't be afraid of artwork. The use of artwork and things on the walls can really make a room. Every square inch doesn't have to be filled with something. In fact, that will make a room look too busy. So something in each focal point will really make a difference.
11) Use extra pillows on beds. Make the beds in your house look luxurious and inviting.
12) Accessorize in odd numbers. Don't use symmetry when designing. Decorating in odd numbers will add interest and look more put together.
13) Move furniture away from the wall. This will create intimacy and also be different from what everyone else does.
14) Bring the outdoors in. Add plants and flowers to your home.
15) Give beds a headboard. Homes without headboards scream bachelor pad or rental. The use of a headboard will frame the bed and help pull a bedroom together.
Which of these can you do now to make the biggest impact on your home?